The World Peace Telesummit 2015 was held on September 21 to celebrate the International Day of Peace and to strengthen the ideals of peace among people. Call Driver Barry Bettman of MaestroConference welcomed participants who dialed in from around the world. Host Dr. Elaine Christine facilitated folks making a difference through education and awareness of a six-step Peace Process. Participants shared what they learned from their experience. Click this link to listen to The World Peace Telesummit 2015 Replay.
The six-step Peace Process was inspired in 1998 after Dr. Christine attended a spiritual conference in Miami. Everyone seemed to want World Peace, but nobody had a plan. She had the idea to run the thought of World Peace on the Six-Discipline Model published in her textbook, Managing Risk.
When asked to share the value of the Telesummit, Barry Bettman said, “For me, it was really genuine, authentic, it felt very safe. I really appreciated the fairness of the questions and also just the space to be able to have each person share with no judgment, just what is.”
Participant Jak Bicaci noted, “This is excellent. I enjoy hearing and listening to the process of peace, what makes peace, what keeps us in peace and in order. Love is the core of peace, caring for each other, taking care of each other is essential and also leadership. Leadership plays a big act in producing peace.”
Donna Anselmo explained her take away, “I was struck by the depth of people’s concern on the call and the deep thinking that people are doing about this. It makes me believe that if there are people out there and many of us who see the Peace Process as important then there is great hope for change.”
Tom Gorsuch summed up his experience. “I can’t imagine a better way to spend my time than to be seeking peace in my own life and sharing that with others, so thank you for the opportunity.”
Karen Frank added, “I’m glad on a special day like today we’re able to gather together and envision another world—a world where we can be peace.”
Paul Hoyt noted, “My take away is the kind and loving heart that joined together today on the call to talk about world peace and focus a little time and attention on figuring out what that means to us and ways in which we can work together to do our part to make it happen. It’s very inspirational to me. Thank you.”
Jak Bicaci shared a few final thoughts. “Dr. Christine I want to thank you very much for even to have the thought of putting us together in such a discussion—very educational, very inspirational as well. You have been a good influence on my life. I would like to see this process grow in levels of national or international that we can make government as well as people at work on how we can reach peace with simple process. Thank you.”
Dr. Christine concluded, “This is my first Telesummit as host and facilitator of the Peace Process, and I hope this is just the beginning. I really want to thank everybody on the call for sharing from their heart.”
Click here to listen to The World Peace Telesummit 2015 Replay.
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