World Peace Telesummit host Elaine Christine interviewed Paul Hoyt, the Awakened CEO. As bestselling author of The Practice of Awakening II: The First Light of Joy, Paul helps entrepreneurs accelerate their business growth and live a more joyful life. Click this link to listen to the audio replay: World Peace Telesummit With Paul Hoyt. To download the interview and read in Adobe PDF format, click here: World Peace Telesummit With Paul Hoyt Transcript.
Elaine welcomed Paul as a special guest speaker to celebrate the International Day of Peace, and to make a difference for world peace through education and awareness of a six-step Peace Process. Paul shared his journey to becoming an awakened CEO, “I’ve been working to become a stronger, wiser, kinder, more loving and peaceful person. At first, I read books and meditated. My current practice is to remember that I am an alive and aware being having an incredible human experience, and shift my energy back toward a higher vibration and a higher consciousness.” Continue reading
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