Peace Dove

World Peace Telesummit: Field of Love

The 7th World Peace Telesummit was held on September 21, 2021 to celebrate the International Day of Peace and to strengthen the ideals of peace among people. Co-host Barry Bettman welcomed participants who met in a video conference. Host Dr. Elaine Christine facilitated folks making a difference through education and awareness of the 6-Step Peace Process. Participants shared what they learned from their experience. Click this link to watch the World Peace Telesummit 2021 Video.

To download the Telesummit transcript and read in Adobe PDF format, click here: World Peace Telesummit 2021 Transcript.

The 6-Step Peace Process was inspired in 1998 after Elaine attended a spiritual conference in Miami. Everyone seemed to want world peace, but nobody had a plan. She had the idea to run the thought of World Peace on the Six-Discipline Model published in her textbook, Managing Risk. She explained, “The Six-Discipline Model is a simple process model of the mind that can run any thought. I wrote ‘World Peace’ at the top and changed the generic process to a specific thought of peace and love. Later, I realized the process for world peace was the same as inner peace. The model scales perfectly from universal to personal!”

What does a vision of world peace look like? Participant Samarah Daniels shared, “What I’d like to see is that it’s a global event. A meteor shower is what I’m suggesting. It’s a meteor shower of a vibrational field of love that awakens people to the possibility that we can all work together. And as one, create not only world peace but inner peace and peace among nations.”

Aaron Dill imagined what world peace would look like if we had it now. “I envision it more in the context of community, living together in community and not necessarily religious community, but that everybody’s holding up basically the same values. I think it’s really important to focus on caring, sharing and humility. Even in the past, Christian communities have taken a vow of obedience. Well, obedience can be abused. And I’ve always thought taking a vow of humility would be even better, because everybody is wishing the same thing about being humble. I think humility is definitely a big part of it.”

Jak Bicaci offered his viewpoint, “I would like to see a Department of Peace. I mean somebody who really enforces world peace. We don’t have that. No country has that and I think it’s time for us to establish that platform in each government.”

To bring about her vision, Samarah identified one action step. “If everyone would take a breath and take a pause when something typically would trigger them. If you go into that sacred pause and you just take a moment and choose love. When we pause instead of reacting, we come back into our heart and into our mind. And we basically say, ‘I see only love.’ So, the sacred pause is my little baby step that I’m pretty good at most days—and to see only love.”

Aaron said there’s definitely work to be done. “Let go and pray and let God do what he has to do. And of course, we do what we have to do and that starts a circle back that starts with us just to be more focused on peace within and then bring that out into the world.”

Jak has a plan for global peace. “I would like to see more scientific minds from different parts of the world, from different countries get together and start understanding how this planet operates and how we can really truly achieve peace.”

Barry Bettman offered another way. “It’s leading by example, setting an example instead of talking about it. Instead of the ‘Why is this all not working?’ to be the leader or the steward of peace. Take the step, take the breath, have the conversation with people as opposed to the rant-rant, rant-rant, ‘Why we don’t have it…’ Flip that 180 around.”

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Elaine Marie Christine

World Peace Telesummit 2020: A New Paradigm

The World Peace Telesummit 2020 was held on September 21 to celebrate the International Day of Peace and to strengthen the ideals of peace among people. Co-host Barry Bettman welcomed participants who met in a video conference. Host Dr. Elaine Christine facilitated folks making a difference through education and awareness of the 6-Step Peace Process. Participants shared what they learned from their experience. Click this link to watch the World Peace Telesummit 2020 Video.

To download the Telesummit transcript and read in Adobe PDF format, click here: World Peace Telesummit 2020 Transcript.

The 6-Step Peace Process was inspired in 1998 after Elaine attended a spiritual conference in Miami. Everyone seemed to want world peace, but nobody had a plan. She had the idea to run the thought of World Peace on the Six-Discipline Model published in her textbook, Managing Risk. She explained, “The Six-Discipline Model is a simple process model of the mind that can run any thought. I wrote ‘World Peace’ at the top and changed the generic process to a specific thought of peace and love. Later, I realized the process for world peace was the same as inner peace. The model scales perfectly from universal to personal!”

What does world peace look like? Participant Jerry Forney shared, “It would be a world where people love each other. People don’t judge because they realize we all are imperfect. And they love each other because of their imperfections. By embracing our imperfections, we continue to grow and evolve therefore they are liberating forces not limiting forces.”

Jerry envisioned peace on earth. “A world where we love and accept each other unconditionally without placing blame, where we take responsibility for our own well-being, loving and forgiving ourself. I think if more and more people would try to become more Christ-like, I think we would have world peace.”

Barry Bettman responded, “Beautiful. So, it’s about treating each other in a kind, gentle manner and letting our flaws be normal instead of trying to hide them. I think it’s a paradigm shift from negativity, out of the ego to a place of caring and sharing. I think if we can shift from me, me, me, to what can we do to help each other from a place of love and caring, the shift can begin.”

Elaine Christine offered a new paradigm, “The current paradigm is GOOD and EVIL, but we’re making a new sentence. We’re taking the ‘I’ out of EVIL to take responsibility. Our only function is ‘LOVE’ and the only thing left is ‘GOD’. So, that’s the new paradigm, ‘I LOVE GOD’.

What would world peace look like if we had it now? Jeanne Lyons contributed her thoughts, “You know, right now especially with me being in California, the first thing that came to mind is that I could just breathe freely and be able to feel that relaxation in my chest and to allow the love to come in.”

To bring about her vision, Jeanne identified one action step. “I’ve been on a kindness kick. And I really love to find something kind to do, even staying at home. I just got off a phone call with a friend that I haven’t spoken to in over a decade. And it was so uplifting to be able to connect.”

Tom Gorsuch concurs, “It’s easy to be familiar with anybody in the world through technology to communicate worldwide and to show kindness to others. Today you can have kindness for anyone in the world. So, I guess just spreading the idea of kindness to anyone and everyone in the world, no matter what.”

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World Peace Telesummit: Golden Rule

The 5th annual World Peace Telesummit was held September 21, 2019 to celebrate the International Day of Peace and to strengthen the ideals of peace among people. Co-host Barry Bettman welcomed participants who met in a video conference. Host Dr. Elaine Christine facilitated folks making a difference through education and awareness of the 6-Step Peace Process. Participants shared what they learned from their experience. Click this link to watch the World Peace Telesummit 2019 Video.

To download the Telesummit transcript and read in Adobe PDF format, click here: World Peace Telesummit 2019 Transcript.

The 6-Step Peace Process was inspired in 1998 after Dr. Christine attended a spiritual conference in Miami. Everyone seemed to want world peace, but nobody had a plan. She had the idea to run the thought of World Peace on the Six-Discipline Model published in her textbook, Managing Risk. Christine explained, “The Six-Discipline Model is a simple process model of the mind that can run any thought. I wrote ‘World Peace’ at the top and changed the generic process to a specific thought of peace and love. Later, I realized the process for world peace was the same as inner peace. The model scales perfectly from universal to personal!”

What will it take to create peace? Participant Nicole Jansen said, “I think that for people to recognize when we work together, we all win. We either make this work or we don’t, and the cost is very high. So, it’s really important for us to set aside our own agendas, and to recognize the way we get what each of us desires is to work together.”

What does world peace look like? Jerry Forney shared, “What world peace looks like is a world where people take personal responsibility to finding inner peace. The world that I’m envisioning is where that becomes integrated into our daily lives. Our consciousness is raised in such a way that in our interactions and transactions with one another they are imbued with awareness of interconnectedness.”

Tom Gorsuch contributed his thoughts, “It’s where people love one another as they would love themselves. And if that happened universally, we would have world peace.”

To bring about his vision, Tom identified one action step. “First, be at peace with yourself. The people you come in contact with will sense that peace. And treat them the way they deserve to be treated then they leave with more peace. That’s what I hope to do on a daily basis.”

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Elaine Marie Christine

World Peace Telesummit: Compassion

The World Peace Telesummit 2018 was held on September 21 to celebrate the International Day of Peace and to strengthen the ideals of peace among people. Professional Coach Barry Bettman welcomed participants who met in a video conference. Host Dr. Elaine Christine facilitated folks making a difference through education and awareness of a six-step Peace Process. Participants shared what they learned from their experience. Click this link to watch the World Peace Telesummit 2018 Video.

To download the Telesummit transcript and read in Adobe PDF format, click here: World Peace Telesummit 2018 Transcript.

The six-step Peace Process was inspired in 1998 after Dr. Christine attended a spiritual conference in Miami. Everyone seemed to want world peace, but nobody had a plan. She had the idea to run the thought of World Peace on the Six-Discipline Model published in her textbook, Managing Risk. Christine explained, “The Six Discipline Model is a simple process model of the mind that can run any thought. I wrote ‘World Peace’ at the top and changed the generic process to a specific thought of peace and love. Later, I realized the process for world peace was the same as inner peace. The model scales perfectly from universal to personal!”

Participants used their imagination to envision world peace. Rose Jabbour said, “I see that people are being responsible for themselves. They are not projecting blame on anybody else. They work on clearing up their own inner conflict, coming from a place of love and compassion. When you come from love and compassion, there’s peace.”

Tracy Ann shared her vision, “I envision every individual lighthearted and happy and full of peace. And when you are full of peace, you’re joyful and you spread joy and love to other people. It’s pretty simple. I think if we started with our own self, hopefully we get the ripple effect, and it just keeps going out and out and out. That’s my vision. I do that empowerment envision at night. I go all the way out and just cover the whole Earth in love and light.”

Aaron Dill concurred, “I agree with peace starting within ourselves first and being more peaceful and calm and focusing on that at the end of the day, because then you can start your day in the morning more refreshed.”

Tom Gorsuch contributed, “I hadn’t really thought about it before, but in terms of if the military is in an area to add stability, it can actually be a peace force. And to the extent that we can share resources or help people who are hungry or less fortunate than us, we can create more equilibrium. And those things are necessary for peace.”

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Dr. Elaine Christine

World Peace Telesummit: Love Rules

The World Peace Telesummit 2017 was held on September 21 to celebrate the International Day of Peace and to strengthen the ideals of peace among people. Professional Coach Barry Bettman welcomed participants who met in a video conference. Host Dr. Elaine Christine facilitated folks making a difference through education and awareness of a six-step Peace Process. Participants shared what they learned from their experience. Click this link to watch the World Peace Telesummit 2017 Video.

To download the Telesummit transcript and read in Adobe PDF format, click here: World Peace Telesummit 2017 Transcript.

The six-step Peace Process was inspired in 1998 after Dr. Christine attended a spiritual conference in Miami. Everyone seemed to want world peace, but nobody had a plan. She had the idea to run the thought of World Peace on the Six-Discipline Model published in her textbook, Managing Risk. Christine explained, “The Six Discipline Model is a simple process model of the mind that can run any thought. I wrote ‘World Peace’ at the top and changed the generic process to a specific thought of peace and love. Later, I realized the process for world peace was the same as inner peace. The model scales perfectly from universal to personal!”

Participants used their imagination to envision world peace. Tracy Ann said, “I believe that the vision that I have right now in my head is just beauty and calm and love. Everyone getting along. Everyone loving one another and sharing their individual love with everyone else. There’s no judgment, no hatred. Love rules above all!”

Thomas Eric contributed his thoughts. “I think that first you need some level of respect for each other before you get the love for one another. But if you respect others as human beings then you have a basis for communicating and through communicating you can make forward progress. But I’d also like to say that you know, war is expensive and peace is free. So just economically speaking, the more peace we have the more abundance that we can have as a humanity, as a human race. So I just kind-of wanted to throw that out as a vision. There could be a lot more abundance for everyone when we get to that state of world peace.”

Karen Frank explained her vision, “We can see a world where we can step out of the systems that have been created, where people can live and work their purposes and their passions and be at peace and have a lot of time to be creative. My assignment is helping to create a new paradigm of being on the planet. That is being translated into creating community on the physical plane, off-grid sustainable, holistic and green community prototypes to be duplicated worldwide.”

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World Peace Telesummit 2016

World Peace Telesummit: The Power of Peace

The World Peace Telesummit 2016 was held on September 21 to celebrate the International Day of Peace and to strengthen the ideals of peace among people. Call Driver Barry Bettman of MaestroConference welcomed participants who dialed in from around the world. Host Dr. Elaine Christine facilitated folks making a difference through education and awareness of a six-step Peace Process. Participants shared what they learned from their experience. Click this link to listen to The World Peace Telesummit 2016 Replay.

To download the Telesummit transcript and read in Adobe PDF format, click here: World Peace Telesummit 2016 Transcript.

The six-step Peace Process was inspired in 1998 after Dr. Christine attended a spiritual conference in Miami. Everyone seemed to want World Peace, but nobody had a plan. She had the idea to run the thought of World Peace on the Six-Discipline Model published in her textbook, Managing Risk. Christine explained, “The World Peace Telesummit is all about focusing on the vision and the imagination that more and more people can be inspired to live with the love of God in their hearts and the devotion to whatever they feel is of value.”

Participants used their imagination to envision world peace. Diane Dickson said, “Each day, I get up and I go into meditation and I express gratitude and I ask Spirit to guide my activities throughout the day in service to my fellow man and to Mother Earth. And I have complete confidence that all of my needs are met, because they are, because I know that this planet provides an abundance of everything that we need. There is nothing to fight about. And if I encounter anyone who is without, then I ask to help to fill that need. And if there is conflict, then I bring a peaceful presence. And each day is filled with creative expression and loving connection and all of us on this planet are completely free to express ourselves and our highest potential in every moment.” Continue reading Share This:

Spiritual Law: A Handbook to Higher Truth

World Peace Telesummit With Elaine Bartlett

World Peace Telesummit host Elaine Christine interviewed author and Feng Shui expert Elaine Bartlett. Her book, Spiritual Law: A Handbook to Higher Truth, is available on her website, Click this link and listen to the audio replay: World Peace Telesummit With Elaine Bartlett.  To download the interview and read in Adobe PDF format, click here: World Peace Telesummit With Elaine Bartlett Transcript.

Elaine C welcomed Elaine B as a special guest to make a difference for world peace through education and awareness of a six-step Peace Process. Elaine B shared why her book is rather magical and has no page numbers. “I use it as a teaching tool. The best application is to allow the law to draw you in and either show you what you are working on spiritually or inwardly or what is working on you and adjusting, if you will, the set of your inner sails. It moves with you.”

Elaine C agreed, “These concepts are timeless. While I was on vacation recently, I was invited to teach yoga. I used your book as you suggested by allowing each person to open to a page and let that law speak to them. I did that for our conversation today, and I’d like to share that ‘Courage’ was the law that came up.”

Elaine B offered, “Here is how the law would present itself: I am Courage, which enables you to face hardships and tragedies with a heightened sense of resoluteness and determination. Bravery will become the instrument through which your heart center will be more activated and more fully opened. So, today the ‘I am Courage’ of yourself endorses that you live from your heart—heartily.”

Elaine C asked Elaine B why don’t we have world peace now? She replied, “One of the problems is the individual no longer chooses to be accountable for peace within. You can’t have peace outside yourself until you claim the peace within.”

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Positive Christian Affirmations and Trusting God

World Peace Telesummit With Nancy Strong

World Peace Telesummit host Elaine Christine interviewed author and speaker Nancy Strong as a special guest to make a difference for world peace through education and awareness of a six-step Peace Process. Two years after surviving a near-death experience, Nancy had a dream she was an author, and the manuscript came through in subsequent dreams. Her book, Positive Christian Affirmations and Trusting God: One Year Journal & Devotional, is published by St. Paul’s Press and available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Click this link and listen to the audio replay: World Peace Telesummit With Nancy Strong. To download the interview and read in Adobe PDF format, click here: World Peace Telesummit With Nancy Strong Transcript.

Nancy shared her near-death experience after a pulmonary embolism in 2002. “My situation was so unique. One doctor walked in and looked at my chart. He said, ‘Good morning, Mrs. Strong. How are you today?’ I said, ‘You were the doctor that saved my life.’ He said, ‘How do you know that?’ I said, ‘I heard your voice on the telephone.’ He said, ‘Oh, my goodness.’ And then he sat down on my bed and said, ‘All right, I want to hear the whole story.’ The doctor had a similar situation once before, and the patient lived, so that made me realize I was going to live, even though I had been told to make final arrangements, that I wouldn’t live through the night.”

Nancy explained, “Two years later, My daughter-in-law Ronda had given me a dream journal that she had purchased for me at the Christian bookstore. I hadn’t been sleeping well, so she thought the dream journal might help. When I read the book and started doing the process to put pen and paper on the nightstand and write a few words about what the dream was about, which would bring back the memory of the dream, the first dream was that I was an author. Every night I would go to bed with that paper because I wanted to know what my dreams were.”

Nancy continued, “At some point, it gave me the title of the book. Then it gave me that it was a journal and devotional. It’s a marvel to me even today to think that that is how this came about. Once in a while, I put paper on my nightstand to ask questions about what is supposed to happen in my life today, or how I am supposed to change my life. I’ll ask any kind of question at night before I go to bed after saying my prayers, and it always gives me an answer.” Continue reading Share This:

Swami Sankarananda

World Peace Telesummit With Swami Sankarananda

World Peace Telesummit host Elaine Christine interviewed Swami Sankarananda, who is walking 10,000 miles for peace. His book, Pilgrimage Home: Journey to the Heart, is offered as a free download at Swami is dedicated to the great potential within each human being and to all Peacemakers who practice peace through kindness in thought, word, and deed.

Click this link and listen to the audio replay: World Peace Telesummit With Swami Sankarananda.  To download the interview and read in Adobe PDF format, click here: World Peace Telesummit With Swami Sankarananda Transcript.

Elaine welcomed Swami Sankarananda as a special guest to make a difference for world peace through education and awareness of a six-step Peace Process. Swami shared how he became very frustrated with life and despite a successful career, realized that striving to make more money wasn’t going to bring happiness. “I had to really look at myself because I came to know that the suffering I experienced was inside. I began to realize that what I was looking for was peace. Through grace, I began to orient my life around service instead of acquiring things for myself. I had done plenty of acquiring for myself and found it to be lacking.”

Explaining his journey, Swami said, “And what I wanted I could say is happiness. We call that peace as well. Peace of mind certainly is happiness. My searching led me inside through the path of yoga to India. It led me to a few teachers who fit together as part of the tradition of Swami Shivananda. It led me to a deep inner exploration and a commitment to service and a simplification of life. I took training as a yoga instructor. I began to teach and serve and find peace inside.”

Swami continued, “Through that process, my mind quieted and calmed. I became receptive to an inner voice that I had never really heard or understood before. It was in that silence when this idea of walking coast to coast for peace came. I knew that this concept was a very austere life. If I chose to do that, I was committing to at least a year of literally walking by myself across the country. With my inner inspiration and the example of Peace Pilgrim, I made the commitment to follow that path. I came back to the USA and began a six-week walk in California on October 3, 2013. I started walking coast-to-coast on January 1, 2014.” Continue reading Share This:

Prophetic SHE

World Peace Telesummit With Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

World Peace Telesummit host Elaine Christine interviewed Gillian MacBeth-Louthan, a visionary teacher and hostess of the annual Gathering of SHE women’s leadership conferences. Gillian has been a messenger and channel serving the Global Light Community since 1986 and publishes The Quantum Awakening monthly eNewsletter on her website,

Click this link and download the audio replay: World Peace Telesummit With Gillian MacBeth-Louthan.  To download the interview and read in Adobe PDF format, click here: World Peace Telesummit With Gillian MacBeth-Louthan Transcript.

Elaine welcomed Gillian as a special guest speaker to celebrate the International Day of Peace, and to make a difference for world peace through education and awareness of a six-step Peace Process. Gillian shared how she attracts women from around the world to the annual Gathering of SHE to celebrate the divine feminine. “It’s about learning to laugh and play and feel beautiful and not be intimidated by anything around you and allow your authentic self to come out.”

Explaining where to find peace, Gillian said, “The world still looks for an outer peace. They will never find it until they have an inner peace. That’s true for all of us. We can’t love anybody more than we love ourselves. When we start from the inside out, then we can radiate like a sun—always be radiating inner peace.”

Gillian continued, “When you stop trying to fix what you think is broken, the universe says, ‘Nothing is wrong with you, child. You look beautiful to me. I don’t see anything wrong.’ When you have that, then you have the peace that you seek.” Continue reading Share This: