Elaine Marie Christine

World Peace Telesummit: Compassion

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The World Peace Telesummit 2018 was held on September 21 to celebrate the International Day of Peace and to strengthen the ideals of peace among people. Professional Coach Barry Bettman welcomed participants who met in a video conference. Host Dr. Elaine Christine facilitated folks making a difference through education and awareness of a six-step Peace Process. Participants shared what they learned from their experience. Click this link to watch the World Peace Telesummit 2018 Video.

To download the Telesummit transcript and read in Adobe PDF format, click here: World Peace Telesummit 2018 Transcript.

The six-step Peace Process was inspired in 1998 after Dr. Christine attended a spiritual conference in Miami. Everyone seemed to want world peace, but nobody had a plan. She had the idea to run the thought of World Peace on the Six-Discipline Model published in her textbook, Managing Risk. Christine explained, “The Six Discipline Model is a simple process model of the mind that can run any thought. I wrote ‘World Peace’ at the top and changed the generic process to a specific thought of peace and love. Later, I realized the process for world peace was the same as inner peace. The model scales perfectly from universal to personal!”

Participants used their imagination to envision world peace. Rose Jabbour said, “I see that people are being responsible for themselves. They are not projecting blame on anybody else. They work on clearing up their own inner conflict, coming from a place of love and compassion. When you come from love and compassion, there’s peace.”

Tracy Ann shared her vision, “I envision every individual lighthearted and happy and full of peace. And when you are full of peace, you’re joyful and you spread joy and love to other people. It’s pretty simple. I think if we started with our own self, hopefully we get the ripple effect, and it just keeps going out and out and out. That’s my vision. I do that empowerment envision at night. I go all the way out and just cover the whole Earth in love and light.”

Aaron Dill concurred, “I agree with peace starting within ourselves first and being more peaceful and calm and focusing on that at the end of the day, because then you can start your day in the morning more refreshed.”

Tom Gorsuch contributed, “I hadn’t really thought about it before, but in terms of if the military is in an area to add stability, it can actually be a peace force. And to the extent that we can share resources or help people who are hungry or less fortunate than us, we can create more equilibrium. And those things are necessary for peace.”

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