World Peace Telesummit host Elaine Christine interviewed Paul Hoyt, the Awakened CEO. As bestselling author of The Practice of Awakening II: The First Light of Joy, Paul helps entrepreneurs accelerate their business growth and live a more joyful life. Click this link to listen to the audio replay: World Peace Telesummit With Paul Hoyt. To download the interview and read in Adobe PDF format, click here: World Peace Telesummit With Paul Hoyt Transcript.
Elaine welcomed Paul as a special guest speaker to celebrate the International Day of Peace, and to make a difference for world peace through education and awareness of a six-step Peace Process. Paul shared his journey to becoming an awakened CEO, “I’ve been working to become a stronger, wiser, kinder, more loving and peaceful person. At first, I read books and meditated. My current practice is to remember that I am an alive and aware being having an incredible human experience, and shift my energy back toward a higher vibration and a higher consciousness.”
Paul explained how to awaken, “Becoming an awakened person starts with a decision to find out what it might mean to be an awakened person. What is this thing we call enlightenment? Why would I want that? Begin to explore the possibilities for yourself. The next step is to have a direct experience and realize the power we all have to shift our energy, to raise our vibration, to raise our consciousness, by having the intention and taking action through some energy-shifting process.”
Elaine asked Paul to envision world peace. He said, “What it looks like to me is that we realize we are all brothers and sisters. We realize the differences in the cultures, the languages, the foods we eat, the words we use to describe divinity, and the concepts that we have about the meaning of life and the nature of reality are superficial. They are at some level meaningless. We can walk hand in hand with our brothers and sisters, see the oneness of all humankind, and step into that peaceful, collaborative, cooperative civilization that we create for ourselves.”
When asked to speak about his take-away from the six-step Peace Process, Paul was thoughtful, “I’m going to take away a renewed commitment to keep working on myself and helping those people who are in my immediate vicinity and to become an inspiration for people around the world. And, to embrace those people who do not look like I look, to reach out with loving kindness and joyful, positive energy to anybody who I think is in some way different. Differences are just superficial trappings that do not stand in the light of day when we consider the divinity of which we are all sprung.”
Elaine concluded, “Thank you so much. Namaste, Paul. Thank you for sharing your time, talent, and treasure. Bye for now!”
For more information about The Awakened CEO Program, please contact Paul on his website, Click here to get Paul’s bestselling book on Amazon: The Practice of Awakening II: The First Light of Joy. Click this link to listen to the audio replay: World Peace Telesummit With Paul Hoyt. To download the interview in Adobe PDF format, click here: World Peace Telesummit With Paul Hoyt Transcript.
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