The 5th annual World Peace Telesummit was held September 21, 2019 to celebrate the International Day of Peace and to strengthen the ideals of peace among people. Co-host Barry Bettman welcomed participants who met in a video conference. Host Dr. Elaine Christine facilitated folks making a difference through education and awareness of the 6-Step Peace Process. Participants shared what they learned from their experience. Click this link to watch the World Peace Telesummit 2019 Video.
To download the Telesummit transcript and read in Adobe PDF format, click here: World Peace Telesummit 2019 Transcript.
The 6-Step Peace Process was inspired in 1998 after Dr. Christine attended a spiritual conference in Miami. Everyone seemed to want world peace, but nobody had a plan. She had the idea to run the thought of World Peace on the Six-Discipline Model published in her textbook, Managing Risk. Christine explained, “The Six-Discipline Model is a simple process model of the mind that can run any thought. I wrote ‘World Peace’ at the top and changed the generic process to a specific thought of peace and love. Later, I realized the process for world peace was the same as inner peace. The model scales perfectly from universal to personal!”
What will it take to create peace? Participant Nicole Jansen said, “I think that for people to recognize when we work together, we all win. We either make this work or we don’t, and the cost is very high. So, it’s really important for us to set aside our own agendas, and to recognize the way we get what each of us desires is to work together.”
What does world peace look like? Jerry Forney shared, “What world peace looks like is a world where people take personal responsibility to finding inner peace. The world that I’m envisioning is where that becomes integrated into our daily lives. Our consciousness is raised in such a way that in our interactions and transactions with one another they are imbued with awareness of interconnectedness.”
Tom Gorsuch contributed his thoughts, “It’s where people love one another as they would love themselves. And if that happened universally, we would have world peace.”
To bring about his vision, Tom identified one action step. “First, be at peace with yourself. The people you come in contact with will sense that peace. And treat them the way they deserve to be treated then they leave with more peace. That’s what I hope to do on a daily basis.”
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