Swami Sankarananda

World Peace Telesummit With Swami Sankarananda

World Peace Telesummit host Elaine Christine interviewed Swami Sankarananda, who is walking 10,000 miles for peace. His book, Pilgrimage Home: Journey to the Heart, is offered as a free download at www.peace-kindness.org. Swami is dedicated to the great potential within each human being and to all Peacemakers who practice peace through kindness in thought, word, and deed.

Click this link and listen to the audio replay: World Peace Telesummit With Swami Sankarananda.  To download the interview and read in Adobe PDF format, click here: World Peace Telesummit With Swami Sankarananda Transcript.

Elaine welcomed Swami Sankarananda as a special guest to make a difference for world peace through education and awareness of a six-step Peace Process. Swami shared how he became very frustrated with life and despite a successful career, realized that striving to make more money wasn’t going to bring happiness. “I had to really look at myself because I came to know that the suffering I experienced was inside. I began to realize that what I was looking for was peace. Through grace, I began to orient my life around service instead of acquiring things for myself. I had done plenty of acquiring for myself and found it to be lacking.”

Explaining his journey, Swami said, “And what I wanted I could say is happiness. We call that peace as well. Peace of mind certainly is happiness. My searching led me inside through the path of yoga to India. It led me to a few teachers who fit together as part of the tradition of Swami Shivananda. It led me to a deep inner exploration and a commitment to service and a simplification of life. I took training as a yoga instructor. I began to teach and serve and find peace inside.”

Swami continued, “Through that process, my mind quieted and calmed. I became receptive to an inner voice that I had never really heard or understood before. It was in that silence when this idea of walking coast to coast for peace came. I knew that this concept was a very austere life. If I chose to do that, I was committing to at least a year of literally walking by myself across the country. With my inner inspiration and the example of Peace Pilgrim, I made the commitment to follow that path. I came back to the USA and began a six-week walk in California on October 3, 2013. I started walking coast-to-coast on January 1, 2014.” Continue reading

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